An occasional drop of links. This one is sponsored by the delay time in my new term’s classes loading!
- Infinite Craft by Neal Agarwal, whose Password Game was recently featured by Kitboga in one of the funniest scammer-targeting videos I’ve ever seen. This one is a nice drag-and-drop “combiner” thing that looks like it’s using some LLM to make combinations of things. It’s kinda fun to try and get something specific out of it, like, say, pizza.
- A nice weird headline, “Using a cell-phone vibrator, team builds a $7 tumor-creation device.” It’s actually nice and practical, helping researchers grow tumor spheroids for lab research. Just don’t share this one with the conspiracy theorists, they might take this one in a weird way.
- Some might remember the CNC-empowered breakfast that was PancakeBot, which printed out pancakes at Maker Faires. What I didn’t know (and learned from Makezine) is that it was patented, licensed, and sold at the now-defunct Bed Bath & Beyond. You can actually still buy them from the PancakeBot website, though I’d kind of like to make a dispenser for an MPCNC.